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Writer's pictureAzaria G.

Find Your Wings: Draft 2... Progression Post

Recently I reshot my film Find Your Wings. I rallied together some amazing artist friends to do the videography, though that is not their practice of choice, and made the vision happen. I sorted through footage for hours and finally pieced together something that I feel embodies the story of Harriet Jacobs well, without added text. The film looks great, but it's just another step in the right direction. I want to have a better story board, a real team of people who are in their craft and want to help make the film the best it can be, a budget, and set choreography. I feel like this film is a big part of my life's work somehow. I had some ideas that I simply had to see done, which is why we made this second version of the film. I don't know where to put it. I was hoping it could be included in a museum exhibition, but my first draft was preferred due to length. I could submit it to a film festival, but it needs to be refined first. I could post it to my YouTube, but I feel like it's better than that. I could even post it here, but I feel like it's too raw, as in undone, for me to share it in its entirety. I don't feel safe with it yet to release it to the world. I had a professor once tell me, "you share your truth when you feel it's safe." So in light of taking baby steps, here are some still images from the work.

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